Mirror, Mirror by Susan O’Connor

20th September 2024

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest embroiderer of them all?

Now that is a tricky question indeed… perhaps we should start with an easier one.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest mirror of them all?

Well, it might just be this week’s feature project Mirror, Mirror by Susan O’Connor from The Handpicked Collection 3.

Mirror, Mirror is a luxurious mirror frame adorned with curling stems of Elizabethan flowers.

Not just a few flowers either, we’re taking an entire garden with heartsease, cornflowers, honeysuckle, English daisies, carnations, rose and even thistle.

This gorgeous Elizabethan garden dances gracefully around the border of a square mirror, creating a beautiful frame for whoever sneaks a glance.

To create this wonderous piece, lustrous stranded silk threads are stitched onto ivory silk satin with sparkling gold metal paillettes added to provide tiny flashes of light, just as they did in the sixteenth century on the lavish, embroidered clothing of Elizabeth I, when these lovely blooms were so popular.

The finished frame measures 16.5cm (6 ½”) square and features 34 of the most glorious colours in the Au Ver à Soie, soie d’Alger stranded silk range.

If you love playing with premium quality threads, this project is an absolute joy to stitch.

Now, if in the back of your mind you’re thinking, I feel like I’ve seen this project before, we can help answer that one for you.

Susan has in fact designed a collection of three different mirror frames, two of which have been published previously.

Reflections appeared in Inspirations magazine issue #69 and Mirror Image was in A Passion for Needlework 3 | Blakiston Creamery.

L- Reflections| R- Mirror Image

While all three mirror designs are distinctively different, the common element is Susan’s use of Elizabethan botanicals, which ties them all together beautifully.

So, whether you choose to create just one, or complete the collection, once framed and hanging on the wall, you will finally receive your answer to the question ‘Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest embroiderer of them all?’

The answer of course, is the one who’s reflection appears in the mirror, so just make sure it’s yours!

Make Your Own Mirror, Mirror

Our Handpicked Ready-to-Stitch kit contains all the materials you need to re-create this project yourself, including the instructions.

If you prefer to source the materials yourself, this project is part of our Handpicked Collection 3, with instructions included in the printed book and also available separately as a printed or digital pattern.


Mirror, Mirror – HP3 Kit

Printed Books

The Handpicked Collection 3

Printed Patterns

Mirror, Mirror – HP3 Print

Digital Patterns

Mirror, Mirror – HP3 Digital

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